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Double Post Merge 1.1.1

Предотвращение двойных сообщений

  1. 1.1.1

    • Fixed a bug that prevented Thread Watch and Forum Watch alerts from being sent out.
    • When the bump thread option is set, if a post has previously been edited and is then merged, the "Last edited" text and date is now removed in order to prevent the date from showing as older than the new post date.
    wagamata нравится это.
  2. 1.1.0

    • Добавлена совместимость с плагином Moderator Essentials.
    • Это обновление имеет смысл ставить только тем, у кого установлен плагин Moderator Essentials версии 1.3.0 или новее.
  3. 1.0.9

    • Added two new alert templates in order not to receive a second 'Thread Created' alert when the first post is merged.
    • Fixed the Forum Watch alerts as that used to send out alerts even when the user has not yet viewed the thread.
  4. 1.0.8

    What's New:
    • Added option to merge posts without the tag that separates the two posts. To do this, simply leave the Double Post Tag Text input box empty (options page).
    • Adjusted code to work with XenForo 1.3.x
    Upgrade Instructions:
    1. Upload the file 'Upload/library/DoublePost/ControllerPublic/Thread.php' to your server overwriting the old one.
    2. Upload the file 'Upload/library/DoublePost/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php' to your server overwriting the old one....